This is the day I was waiting for… the day I get to surprise my hubby & bring him to Cooperstown! He has ALWAYS wanted to go to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and the fact that he hadn’t yet was sad since his family drove him past it so many times in his life (going to visit family nearby). My kids are not big baseball National Baseball Hall of Fame and the fact that he hadn’t yet was sad since his family drove him past it so many times in his life (going to visit family nearby). My kids are not big baseball fans, but they are die-hard Yankees fans and have an inner grudge against the Red Sox 🙂
That being said, we arrive in the gorgeous town of Cooperstown as soon right before the museum opened. It was very cold, but we didn’t care! The streets were lined with everything baseball and it was so cool! We get to the museum and Tom was like a kid heading into Disney for the 1st time! It was so cute! The museum is 3 floors and it is done very well. I guess with the Yankees being our team and the Yankees having such an amazing past, it was easy to get sucked in for us. The kids loved seeing everything and tom, well, he was just in his happy place! It was well worth the money (they give a AAA discount BTW) and I’d love to bring him back in a bunch of years maybe during more of a peak season so there was more excitement and things to do (not that we needed more to do but there would have been some other stuff in the town and such). Well, we walked out the doors and BOOM! Snow! Well, let me tell you… My kids were over the moon! This was the best day ever for the Edwards Boys!

Historic Doubleday Field

walking to the HoF down through the very cool streets of Cooperstown.


Daddy teaching…

Hunter with one of Babe’s uniforms

In front of the Yankees locker

Hunter buying tickets from an original ticket booth from the original Yankee Stadium

Our own little Tanner Boyle complete with foul language.

Us in the kid’s room

The actual Hall of Fame

Hunter’s favorite
We proceeded to eat junk in the car and head to our next destination. This was make hubby happy day apparently as I brought them to the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in Amsterdam, NY! It is a small museum right now and free to enter (donations are greatly appreciated). It was done VERY well for what it was. My favorite part was all the Mick Foley stuff – he has a HUGE soft spot on my heart & has for years (Trivia: we invited him to our wedding). Tom’s favorite part was the Japanese wrestling posters upstairs. It isn’t a museum to spend a lot of time in so we had time to kill. It was a Sunday so not as much to do since stuff closes early.


The Mick Foley Section was 3x larger than this. This was cool though since in that case was some of his handwritten manuscripts to his books! Tom & I were just in awe!

booyaka booyaka “619”

Happy Dad = Happy Mom

Von Erich stuff

Cole’s favorite poster

Tom could have stayed in this room for hours – his favorite part were these Japanese posters
We stopped at a mall briefly and they had an arcade when we walked in. All the boys lit up, but I steered them away as I had bigger plans in a few days. No need to waste money in this dinky place. We walked around and then got in the car to be off to our next destination – dinner.
We went to a Johnny Rockets. Kids haven’t’ been to one in forever, but they remember they have unlimited fries, and that’s a huge selling point. 🙂 The Location was across from Six Flags Great Escape and adjacent to a Six Flags waterpark we never knew existed. Even off season it was WAY pricey (we did look into it while eating dinner). Anyway, kids had an awesome time and loved the food.
Once we were done, we were on our way to our next hotel The Holiday Inn of Rutland, NY. The room was nice & we were able to park right by the doors and our room was like right there, so, that was nice. The room was nice & clean and spacious. When we woke up, we packed & were on our way (breakfast was too pricey there).

HUnter left origami wherever he went. – i just remembered to snap this picture 🙂 Hope the cleaning staff enjoyed the swan, frog, & fox 🙂
On to Day 4